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Stoffe. Möbelstoffe und Polsterstoffe. großes und preiswertes Angebot für Möbelstoffe und Polsterstoffe Malaysia

Möbelstoffe und Polsterstoffe Malaysia

Natural leather(skin) Malaysia

And though each year in assortment materials occurs something brand new, a material number one for a upholstery of upholstered furniture remains, certainly, a natural leather(skin).

If you buy upholstered furniture upholstered with a natural leather(skin), you can be envied - to use such furniture easily and, undoubtedly, pleasantly. leather(skin) appeals to all feelings of person: to sight, touch, sense of smell, and, first of all, to his(its) self-estimation. So it is possible to tell, that leather furniture substantially speaks for itself.

Main problem at purchase of furniture from a natural leather(skin) consists that majority of people counts its(her) expensive. But it is possible to object, that leather(skin) in due course becomes only ñîâåðøåííåé as she(it) not only is magnificent on a kind, but also is strong. leather(skin) approaches to any conditions. It is a natural product - leather(skin) breathes and adapts to any temperature changes, and it allows it(her) to be comfortable at any time year.

Frequently on a leather(skin) sites distinguished by colouring and structure from general(common) background are visible, which nonspecialists count defects. Actually it not so: variations îêðàñà and various ïðîæèëêè, arisen at life of an animal, give to furniture originality and consequently at processing a leather(skin) of them do not mask, and on contrary, emphasize. Colouring of a leather(skin) is made for this purpose on special technology due to which paint does not cover a surface with a continuous impenetrable layer, and will penetrate into a leather(skin) through ïîðû, not breaking invoice of a material so figure of a leather(skin) is kept. Such quality of processing is considered main advantage of leather coverings: it is enough to lead(carry out) a hand on a soft rough surface to feel pleasant heat.

One more difficult question arising at sale of furniture with a natural leather(skin) - ECO. During processing and colouring of a leather(skin) wide scale of various chemical substances that may cause fears of buyers about its(her) safety for health is used.

you may without fears get in our shops leather furniture for a house and leather office armchairs. Today apply tannic solutions received fruits of trees, not toxic and not representing dangers to an environment.

Leather(skin) with a natural top layer, without pigment or a plastic covering, "breathe", do not break heat exchange between a human body and an environment that creates feeling of special comfort at person to whom will have luck to adjoin to it(her).

Artificial leather(skin) (nubuk)

Except for a natural leather(skin) in modern furniture industry wide arsenal of leather(skin) artificial is used. One of best representatives of these materials - àëüêàíòàðà which is very similar to velour though completely consists of various kinds of plastic which pass long chemical and machining, turning in a microfibrous material. Alcantaru it is much easier to clean, than a natural leather(skin): it is a little cleaner for a upholstery - and any spots and traces of a dirty. At desire upholstery from àëüêàíòàðû can even be washed in machine.

Besides lower cost furniture from an artificial leather(skin) has also other advantages in comparison with natural. scale of natural painting substances for a leather(skin) is limited all to several colors. For an artificial leather(skin) color scale much more richman, and paints differ high light resistance burn out very little. In shops wide choice of production using in work high-quality leather substitutes is submitted.


For a upholstery of furniture of a fabric hundreds years, and main feature of last time - an emphasis of manufacturers on ýêîëîãè÷íîñòü production are used already.

most popular îáèâî÷íûé a material for today - Flok (microvelour), îáèâî÷íàÿ a fabric with a basis from ïîëèýñòðà and a clap(cotton) (it is usual 35 %-clap, 65 %-synthetics) on which electrostatic way puts kapron or nylon pile that gives floks a noble velvet surface. Floks stably covers more than 70 % of need(requirement) of market in Upholstery fabrics s within last six - seven years. first floks were made in China in first millenium up to í. ý., when finely cut pile was pasted on òêàíóþ a basis. It is possible to tell, that since then "know-how" of microvelours essentially has not changed. Today, as well as hundreds years back, on òêàíóþ a basis glue is put, and from above falls a fibre. truth, today this process occurs in an electrostatic field due to what fibres settle down on a basis strictly vertically. Present ôëîêè with identical success simulate a clap(cotton), fur, a leather(skin) and suede. Various kinds of mechanical furnish allow to create imitation of all kinds of fabrics used for furniture industry. Modern ôëîêè, as against predecessors, do not fade on sun, not ìíóòñÿ, are easily cleaned - to lead(carry out) on polluted surface hardly damp ãóáêîé that she(it) again began as new enough, do not absorb a smell. Thus floks are rather inexpensive, but are durable - qualitative flok maintains over 80 thousand cycles.

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Gobelin Tapestry Malaysia

Art of manufacturing Gobelin tapestries ascends by twelfth century: in times when unique utensils of cold stone locks was rough furniture, and floor for heat was covered with hay, people tried to create a semblance of a cosiness, hanging up on walls carpets which not only decorated premises(rooms), but also, that is not less important, helped to keep in them warmly. In Middle Ages main centres of manufacture of Gobelin tapestries of steel of city of France and Flanders. One of their most well-known manufacturers in those times was Parisian manufactory "Gobelin tapestry" owing to what in 16-17 centuries such carpets - pictures have begun to call Gobelin tapestries. first plots for Gobelin tapestries were scooped in Bible, hardly later in a list of Gobelin tapestries landscapes have appeared. Gradually artists began to master new plots: knightly tournaments, a hunt, historical events, stages from life of notable seigneurs. Pastoral stages in art of Gobelin tapestries were developed in a separate direction - "miles - fler" (ôðàíö. millefleurs - one thousand colors) at which monophonic field of usually dark blue, blue-green or dark pink color was entirely decorated ëèñòüÿìè trees, various colors, animals and birds. Gobelin tapestries weaved from silk, woolen, and even silver and gold strings on figures, picturesque sketches which sizes corresponded(met) to sizes of future carpet. Weaving of such figures demanded highest skill of executors and was rather toilful: usually weaver executed from two four meters of a Gobelin tapestry for one year, at manufacturing especially refined carpets and complex(difficult) figures for one year of work sometimes it turned out no more than one meter of a carpet cloth. Except for big expenses of time, Gobelin tapestry demands big physical efforts, therefore one Gobelin tapestry was weaved as a rule by some person, thus width of a site of work of one weaver did not exceed one meter. At all times interest to ãîáåëåííîìó to weaving was shown by many well-known artists and architects. If to epoch of Renaissance Ðàôàýëü has brought in ãîáåëåííóþ in a list prospect and a composition in twentieth century cardboards for Gobelin tapestries were created with such authorities as Vasily Kandinsky, Ôåðíàí Ëåæå, Henry of Messes, Ëå Êîðáþçüå. Since 60th there has come(stepped) new bloom of this kind of an applied art. Gobelin tapestry today is ýëèòíàÿ îáèâî÷íàÿ a fabric for upholstered furniture, one of most expensive(dear) in an arsenal furniture and display arranger. However beauty of Gobelin tapestries is worthy judges of true beauty, originality and quality of a tapestry material. Gobelin tapestry today still remains a piece thing in which creativity of artists and weavers is enclosed.

Century traditions of manufacture, tenderness and reliability of invoice, tens magnificent interiors and hundreds shades do(make) this fabric attractive to true judges of a domestic cosiness. durability of velour supported with use of high technologies, will allow furniture to decorate from him(it) your interior for long years, will lower weariness after difficult day.

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Shinil is a fabric which is used in furniture industry already more than two hundred years. This name of a string which has soft approximated surface. At weaver's process of a string densely adjoin to each other and give a fabric appearance and sensation of velour. For today øèíèëë - main competitor of velour, 95 which % is made from synthetic strings that is antithetic of manufacture Shinil. Process of manufacture of velour is much more complex(difficult), than Shinil, accordingly and cost on øèíèëë is much lower. Significant advantage Shinil is also that it(he) may be made in much more colour gamut, than velour.

Shinils and velours are widely used by many manufacturers of upholstered furniture and chairs. It is possible to order models with a upholstery from Shinil and at " Factory of Chairs ".

Möbelstoffe und Polsterstoffe
Möbelstoffe und Polsterstoffe
Möbelstoffe und Polsterstoffe


For maintenance of softness, elasticity and durability of upholstered furniture in its(her) manufacture use so-called floorings. Simply speaking are materials which are latent under a upholstery of upholstered furniture: facing fabrics, integumentary materials, íàïîëíèòåëè. More often on labels of modern upholstered furniture following flooring materials are mentioned.

Foam rubbers and polyfoams are widely applied all over world by manufacture of upholstered furniture in quality íàïîëíèòåëÿ. Development of new technological processes, allowing to avoid use of ecologically harmful substances, such as freon, has resulted to that foam rubbers now is one of most harmless materials used by manufacture of upholstered furniture. Even if you have bought domestic soft furniture in which in quality íàïîëíèòåëÿ it is used Russian , do not doubt of quality a domestic production polyfoams is one of few who managed to master completely practically Russian furniture market, having pressed import suppliers of similar materials.

In description of this or that sample of upholstered furniture so-called apparent density used in it(her) is frequently underlined. Here it is necessary to know a key rule - above apparent density, better as, above density of a material, thickness of a wall of cells of polyfoam and, hence, is higher his(its) wear resistance and ability to keep form for a long time. In any case apparent density for manufacture of upholstered furniture should be not less than 30 kg / mç.


Sintepon it is made from a high-quality polyester fibre of conducting suppliers of Europe. given material keeps softness irrespective of term of his(its) use, does not allocate a dust and does not cause an allergy. Sintepon is a magnificent basis for manufacturing a high-quality upholstery of upholstered furniture. structure of fibres provides flexibility of a material, and them çàêðóòêà guarantees high characteristics. Used in manufacture Sintepon meets to all requirements of fire safety showed to household goods.


  • Mechanismus Transformation
  • Stoffe, Stoff Sofas
  • Salon Vorhänge. Kappen. Decken.
  • Edelstahlspülen, Küchenspülen
  • Schleifpapier, Schleifwerkzeug
  • Isolierung mit Bitumenschweißbahn
  • Palette, Spulen, Rohre
  • Holz Front möbel
  • MDF Front möbel
  • MDF Profil Erzeugnisses
  • Industrielle Chemie. Häusliche Chemie

  • Waschpulvere, Haushaltschemie, Waschpulver Automat
  • Starke premium
  • Varnishes , solvent
  • Lack, Farbe, Möbel Lacke, Möbel Farbe
  • Argon gaseous, Calcium carbide, alcium chloride, Calcium hypochlorite neutral, Calcium oxide hydrate, Chlorine liquid, Emulsive polyvinylchloride PVC), Epichlorhydrine, Ethyl cellulose K-100, K-150, Hydrochloric acid, Perhydrol, Methyl cellulose soluble in water (methyl ether of cellulose), Nitocell (powdery hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), Nitrogen gaseous, Nitrogen liquid technical, Oxygen gaseous, Oxygen liquid, Potassium metal technical, Potassium superoxide, Product B-2I, Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), Sodium metal, Sodium peroxide technical, Sodium superoxide, Starting briquette (PB-5), catalyst on zinc chloride, Trichlorethylene technical, Wall-paper glue Effec

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